I am German and this assessment is brutal but 100% on the money.

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It's just another angle on the Population Control Holocaust - create extreme pressures so that childbearing becomes too frightening.

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Scientists now believe that the mechanism through which green hydrogen causes brain damage may involve white matter, the so called "wiring" of the brain, coming into contact with concrete at high velocity when the Russian mobsters who now control your energy supply throw you out of a fifth floor window.

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(Dons pedantic hat);

General McAullife, commander of the 101st Airborne, was not calling the Germans "nuts," ie. crazy.

He was telling them to GF themselves:

“Nuts!” – The Story Behind the Famous American Reply to the German Surrender Ultimatum at Bastogne (https://militaryhistorynow.com/2020/09/15/nuts-the-story-of-the-famous-american-reply-to-the-german-surrender-ultimatum-at-bastogne/)

“I have the commander’s reply,” he said giving the enemy delegates the note.

“If you don’t understand what ‘nuts’ means, in plain English it’s the same as ‘go to hell,’” Harper explained wryly. “And I will tell you something else – if you continue to attack we will kill every goddam German that tries to break into this city.’

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Thank you, sir. The misunderstanding of this moment is one of my pet peeves in history, and you are 100% correct in your reporting.

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The generations that understood this comment without explanation are rapidly dying off. And the following generations know almost nothing about history, period.

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"Does Green Hydrogen Cause Brain Damage?"

"Green" ANYTHING is associated with brain damage. Whether its cause or effect is the real question.

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If Germany is counting on Trudeau to understand physics, Hahaha. He is a elementary school drama teacher, dumb as a stick. The only less intelligent people on earth are those that voted for him, 3 times. Hydrogen isn't a energy source , it is a very expensive, inefficient and highly dangerous battery.

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Don't they remember the Hindenburg?

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Don't German politicians/legislators have competent science/technology advisors? It's surprising to me that they exhibit as serious a disconnect between facts and their beliefs that shape policy-making as ours do.

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Right on!

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Let's all sing Kim Bay Yah and try to remember the most recent intelligent political idea to come out of Germany, shall we?

Hitler and the Nazis? Nope...

Marx and communism? Nope...

Bismarck and socialism? Nope...

Three strikes, and you're out.

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The same media that portrays Zelenskyy as an intelligent hero and Putin as a raving lunatic, also think Biden,Macron and Trudeau are competent. Apply the " exact opposite of truth" to everything to get closer to reality.

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Population control, not climate, not disease, not guns, not pollution all of these are fakes. They want to reduce the global population to "manageable" levels and install themselves as management.

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Overall I think most of the article makes sense even if it is a little strident.

"So the cross sectional area of gas pipeline systems will need to be tripled."

Not true. The Wobbe Index and corresponding Fanno friction are why.

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Try and build a pipeline, of any cross sectional area and the Gretas are all over you.

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It is unlikely that the people responsible for these decisions are so stupid as to be unable to comprehend the simple facts and reasoning in this article, which, while well-presented, are hardly original with the author. I think we must therefore assume that their motivations do not include a concern for the welfare of the German populace.

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US has had, for some time now, a government initiative to move to hydrogen-powered automobiles. Same problems as described, with much less emphasis on the problem transport over seas and much more emphasis on the problem of transport over land - both through pipelines and the last mile to the "gas" stations. But of course in our case it has nothing to do with any Gedankenwelt of the elite. It's strictly a practical money transfer from the taxpayers to politically connected manufacturers orchestrated by our politicians.

Excellent article and I very much appreciate the discussion of the horrible economics - because of fundamental laws of physics! - of "hydrogen power".

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